Protecting our Most Valuable Asset – Our Mental Health & Wellbeing
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During this presentation we will chat mental health literacy – what is it, why is it important and how to protect it. We will chat about coping strategies and resources – locally and beyond.
Jackie Ralph heads up a team of dedicated volunteer puppeteers and an endless supply of high school and college students under the umbrella of Youth Awareness and Education at the Grey Bruce branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association. Using child-sized puppets, Jackie and her team spread the word of good mental health to students from JK to Grade 12. The team also provides mental health training programs such as SafeTalk and Mental Health First Aid and ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training). Combined, these programs reach over 11,300 children, 5,700 youth and 6,500 adults each year. Which is an incredible feat when you realize just how vast but small Grey Bruce really is. And all of this with no government funding. All of Jackie’s programs are 100% community funded. Jackie is a grad of Grey Highlands Secondary School in Flesherton, Ontario and studied Math at University of Waterloo and Recreation and Leisure Services at Conestoga College in Kitchener.