Tian Ip
The Value of Music Therapy – Discover its impact on anxiety and depression, movement, cognition, voice, communication, social connectivity, physical activity and motivation.
Erika Howe, PhD.
Peripheral Neuropathy in Parkinson's – Learn about foot wear, foot care practices and ways to maintain foot health.
Laura McDonald
Strategies for Living a Balanced Life – Learn about boundary setting, time management and leaning on our team to support us.
Jon Pinkus
Successful Workplace Navigation – a general overview of Ontario employment laws, Parkinson's disease as a protected disability, Ontarians with Disabilities Act, Human Rights, and more!
Adam Kernan
Fraud in the Community – a general overview of fraud related statistics in Canada and how to identify common schemes, exploring a variety of safeguards, how to report frauds, community resources for assistance and more!
Jackie Ralph
Mental health literacy – what is it, why is it important and how to protect it. We talked about coping strategies and resources – locally and beyond.
Sarah Robichaud
Discovering the Joy and Benefit of Movement
Leona Spasik & Bhawani Jain
A discussion on managing wearing "off" symptoms through medication management.
Dr. Sealey
A discussion of various aspects to be considered when determining whether medical cannabis would be a suitable option in the management of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) symptoms.
Kelly Gee
The Stay Strong and Live Long Exercise and Falls Prevention Webinar aims to educate people on healthy aging, the importance of exercise, the signs to watch out for as you age, what you can do to Prevent falls, and what to do if you do fall.
Sara Lodge
In this webinar, we will discuss Parkinson's Disease, brain health, gut health, support, education on the gut microbiome, gut-brain axis, foods to eat, and foods to avoid.
Samantha Lau and Karlee Pringle
Assistive devices that are tailored to the needs of individuals with Parkinson's
Michael Tauro
The Role of Artificial Intelligence
Jonathan Chan, Sydney Hampton and Kailey Tebbutt
Learn strategies and tips for getting a better night's sleep.
Dr. Amer Burhan
Clinician Investigator and Endowed Chair for Applied Mental Health Research (University of Toronto)
Tim Hague Sr.
The Amazing Race Canada winner, Person with Parkinson’s
Kerry King
Speech Language Pathologist, Connect Speech Therapy
Dr. Mary Jenkins
Movement Disorders Neurologist and Associate Professor at Western University
Ron Postuma and Christos Galatas