Description: The Stay Strong and Live Long Exercise and Falls Prevention Webinar aims to educate people on healthy aging, the importance of exercise, the signs to watch out for as you age, what you can do to Prevent falls, and what to do if you do fall.

Speaker: Kelly Gee, SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) Exercise and Falls Prevention Supervisor for VON Wellington County.

Speaker Bio:

She is an honours Graduate of the Sir Sandford Flemming Recreation and Leisure program and the Career School of Canada Fitness and Nutrition program.  Kelly is a PT Certified Personal Trainer with advanced credentials in Exercise and Stress Management, Mindset Performance, and Behavior Change in Exercise.  She is also certified Senior Fitness Exercise Instructor, Bonefit Instructor, SAM S.T.E.P.S (Specialized Training Exercise and Participation Services), Bootcamp Instructor, Kickboxing Instructor and is the Master Trainer for the SMART Exercise Program.

Kelly has over 20 years of experience in implementing and coordinating fitness /wellness programs for people of all ages and abilities.  She truly believes one can age successfully over their lifespan living healthy until their very last day.  Frailty is not inevitable it is in fact reversible!  And exercise is the universal prescription to pretty much everything. Falls and or the injuries resulted from falls can be prevented.  It is her mission to share this message with the rest of the world and helping those she works with to achieve optimal wellness regardless of their age, race, gender or current condition or challenges.

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