In partnership with studios across Southwestern Ontario, Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario is offering Dancing with Parkinson’s – a dance program specifically designed for people living with Parkinson’s.

Dance classes for people with Parkinson’s are designed to be safe, accessible and beneficial. Physical and cognitive limitations are not barriers to participation.

Beyond the therapeutic benefits of dance for people with Parkinson’s, this dance program will provide the community with an opportunity to experience the joy of dancing.

Some of the many benefits of dance include physical and cognitive exercise, balance, rhythmic motor co-ordination, memory, social interactions, and … it’s fun!

For more information about this program in your area, please fill out one of the forms below:

MEAFORD – In-person Program

Knox Presbyterian Church
197797 Grey Road 7 R.R. #4, Meaford, ON N4L 1W7

Begins on Friday, January 10th
Ends on Friday, May 30th

Fridays (except statutory holidays)

10:30 AM – 11:45 AM

Dancing with Parkinson’s – Meaford

JAN 10 – MAY 30


OWEN SOUND – In-person Program

YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce, 700 10th Street East, Owen Sound, ON N4K 0C6

Begins on Friday, February 7th
Ends on Friday, May 23rd

14 sessions

1:30 PM – 2:45 PM

Dancing with Parkinson’s – Owen Sound

FEB 7 – MAY 23


WINDSOR – In-person Program

Cathy’s Dance Studio Inc., 2220B Foster Avenue, Windsor, ON N8W 5C9
*entrance is accessible through Windsor Court Plaza, off Walker Rd.

Begins on Monday, February 24th
Ends on Monday, May 26th

12 sessions (excluding holidays)

3:30 PM – 4:15 PM

Dancing with Parkinson’s – Windsor

FEB 24 – MAY 26


LONDON – In-person Program

Dance London, 1305 Commissioners Rd. E, Suite 109
London, ON N6M 0B8

Begins on Tuesday, September 24th
Ends on Tuesday, November 12th

8 sessions
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Instructor: Brianna Moretti
Cost: The price for an 8-Week session will be $135 plus HST
*For more info email

Dance with PD – London

SEP 24 – NOV 12


LONDON – In-person Program

Dance London, 1305 Commissioners Rd. E, Suite 109
London, ON N6M 0B8

Begins on Tuesday, January 14th
Ends on Tuesday, March 4th

8 sessions
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Instructor: Brianna Moretti
Cost: The price for an 8-Week session will be $135 plus HST
*For more info email

Dance with PD – London

JAN 14 – MAR 4


LONDON – In-person Program

Dance London, 1305 Commissioners Rd. E, Suite 109
London, ON N6M 0B8

Begins on Tuesday, April 8th
Ends on Tuesday, May 27th

8 sessions
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Instructor: Brianna Moretti
Cost: The price for an 8-Week session will be $135 plus HST
*For more info email

Dance with PD – London

APR 8 – MAY 27


WOODSTOCK – In-person Program

Dance in Style, 799 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, ON N8W 5C9

Begins on Monday, September 30th
Ends on Monday, November 18th

7 sessions
*every Monday except the 4th Monday of each month

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Dance with PD – Woodstock

SEP 30 – NOV 18


Windsor-Essex – Fall Program

Beginning on Monday, September 9th, 2024
8 weeks, Monday’s
3:30 pm – 4:15 pm

At Cathy’s Dance Studio Inc., 2220B Foster Ave, Windsor, ON N8W 5C9

For more information and registration please contact Samantha Grant at 519-652-9437 ext. 210 or


Dancing with Parkinson’s – Meaford

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Dancing with Parkinson’s – London & Woodstock

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Dancing with Parkinson’s – Guelph

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