National Volunteer Week is an opportunity to share the impactful stories of volunteers who weave us together – volunteers who bring Hope Close to Home in Southwestern Ontario for people impacted by Parkinson’s disease.
“I’m happy to be making a small contribution to the work that the Parkinson Society does. Coming to the office is part of my routine that I look forward to each week.”
Meet Lois
Volunteer Location: London
Please share three words you would use to describe yourself.
independent, friendly, happy
Tell us a little bit about yourself
I grew up in Toronto, spent a year at Bible College where I met my husband, Nigel. Went to Teacher’s College and taught elementary school music one year in northern Ontario. Later I took a 2 yr Electronics Engineering Technician course and then worked for a computer company for many years. Nigel & I moved to London 10 years ago. He passed away in 2019 after being in long term care for 2 years. I enjoy playing violin & ukulele in small groups, and also like driving and travel.
What interested you about becoming a volunteer at PSSO?
My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at the age of 53. We became involved in facilitating a support group in North Bay where we lived at the time. After moving to London we started going to the support group here and visited the PSSO office. I was looking for things to do and started helping out once a week at the PSSO office
How long have you been volunteering with PSSO?
Since the summer of 2014.
Tell us more about your volunteer experience with PSSO and how you are involved?
I come to the office one morning a week and help with preparing bank deposits, folding letters for mailing, sorting files and other various tasks. I have enjoyed getting to know about all that the PSSO provides for people living with Parkinson’s
What is something unique or interesting about you that others may not know?
I love riding rollercoasters and other amusement park rides though it’s been a few years since I’ve done that.
What do you enjoy about volunteering and what motivates you to continue?
I like routine tasks and I have enjoyed interacting with the staff and other volunteers at PSSO. I’m happy to be making a small contribution to the work that the Parkinson Society does. Coming to the office is part of my routine that I look forward to each week.
Are there any special memories from your time volunteering with PSSO?
I especially enjoyed the summer BBQ get-togethers.

See More Volunteer Stories
Meet a few of the people behind bringing Hope Close to Home
National Volunteer Week